Strona główna » Bitcoin w 2021 – jaka przyszłość czeka najpopularniejszą kryptowalutę świata?

Bitcoin w 2021 – jaka przyszłość czeka najpopularniejszą kryptowalutę świata?

by Daniel SZYSZ

Bitcoin w 2021 – jaka przyszłość czeka najpopularniejszą kryptowalutę świata?

Rok 2020 powoli zmierza ku swojemu końcowi i wielu inwestorów działających w oparciu o kryptowaluty zastanawia się, czego powinni spodziewać się w najbliższych dwunastu miesiącach. Szczególnie interesująca wydaje się przyszłość Bitcoina. Co czeka najpopularniejszą walutę kryptograficzną świata? Udzielenie odpowiedzi na to pytanie nie jest, niestety, takie proste.

The last few months have been a real rollercoaster for Bitcoin. Let us remind you that in March, right after the outbreak of the global coronavirus pandemic, the BTC market simply shook its foundations. Bitcoin’s price dropped suddenly by nearly 25%, which for some investors was tantamount to losing a lot of money. However, those who thought that this cryptocurrency would not be a „safe haven” in times of crisis were wrong. From month to month, the BTC price was growing (ignoring slight fluctuations, e.g. in September) and currently amounts to USD 14,000 apiece. Will this trend continue? Opinions are divided.


It all depends on the development of the pandemic

It is worth considering why the Bitcoin price fluctuates so much in 2020. The fall in March is obviously the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Such a reaction from the market was inevitable – no one expected the whole world to face such a serious health crisis that would hit even the strongest economies at the same time. Patient investors, however, expected that the market crash would not last long. Bitcoin halving was expected in Maywhich was supposed to positively influence its price. So it happened. In turn, BTC’s recent great streak is the result of US presidential elections and a probable win for Joe Biden. This will be associated with a possible increase in inflation. The American dollar reacted negatively to this state of affairs, and due to the fact that its rate is strongly related to Bitcoin, the price of the latter soared.

In theory, 2021 looks calmer compared to the last twelve months. At that time, there are no such important market events planned as halving or presidential elections overseas. This does not mean, however, that the Bitcoin price will be flattened or will start to record successive record prices in an even mode. It must not be forgotten that the ongoing pandemic has not yet been combated. A possible hard lockdown in the US or other economically important countries may bring about huge turmoil. So far, there is no indication of this. On the other hand, it was also difficult to find any premises a year ago that there will be such a sudden collapse in BTC prices in March 2020.


Speculation in favor of Bitcoin

The rising prices of Bitcoin meant that experts began to speak more favorably about its future. It is even said that by the end of 2021, this cryptocurrency will reach a price of up to $ 30,000 per coin. Such a scenario would certainly please traders who purchased assets at cost, e.g. during the already mentioned March crash. For such a scenario to materialize, several important conditions would have to be met. At the moment, its May halving is having a positive impact on the Bitcoin rate. In addition, more and more publicly traded companies include this cryptocurrency in their resources. The fear of rising inflation also does its job. However, these are variables that will not last forever. Even if BTC is at the beginning of the so-called the business cycle, which will lead to a significant increase in the price, it must not be forgotten that the specter of a crash hangs over the market all the time, which may occur at any moment after another possible lockdown.


What about the trade war?

It cannot be denied that the general situation in the US has a large impact on the Bitcoin rate. In addition to the presidential election, the ongoing trade war with China is also an important market factor. If the dispute escalates, there is a good chance that BTC will reach $ 20,000 in December 2020. This, of course, is only speculation that does not have to be translated into reality. Especially if Joe Biden becomes the new president of the United States. In this case, trade rivalry with China may soften slightly.


You definitely need to be careful

Next year will prove that patience combined with caution will be an extremely valuable trait for investors. Despite many opinions about the future of Bitcoin, it is difficult to find one scenario that is most likely. BTC prices will rise – the question is whether it will be a continuous process and whether it will not be preceded by at least one huge crash. Another thing is the size of these increases. One thing is certain – there are very interesting months ahead of us, at least in this respect, on the cryptocurrency market.


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